Poetry Returns to Harmony

The weekly poetry sessions at Harmony in Woodstock resume on Tuesday, Dec. 4, as always under the auspices of Michael Platsky.
Michael Platsky

We’ve all been missing it. Now, it’s coming back. The weekly poetry sessions at Harmony in Woodstock resume on Tuesday, Dec. 4, as always under the auspices of Michael Platsky.

The first feature will be a book release party for Andy Clausen‘s The Final Days of the Beat Generation, a First-Hand Account.

December’s featured poets:

  • December 4 book release for Andy Clausen
  • December 11 book release Noah David Roberts
  • December 18 book release Liv Mckee

Come celebrate this joyous revival with us. The poetry starts at 8 and as always includes an open mic. In case you don’t know, Harmony is the side room of the Wok ‘n’ Roll Cafe on Mill Hill Road, across the street from Catskill Mt. Pizza.

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