Two Poems – Dave Kime

Two poems from poet Dave Kime, who will be the featured reader at the October 2018 edition of Poets Speak Loud.
Dave Kime reading at McGeary's in Albany

Dave Kime is a US Army veteran who believes that the true path to freedom stems from activism and standing up against corporate power, and not sending armies to invade and manipulate the world’s poor. Dave has been reading poetry throughout the Hudson Valley since 1992, having read at anti-war rallies that have featured Pete Seeger and Maurice Hinchey. Dave honed a lot of his work at Rip’s Café in Saugerties and would later run a successful open reading called Freedom of Speech on Partition Street for two years. He is the author of the chapbook OBLIQUE, aided by the artwork of Jean Tansey and is currently a Trustee and Historian for the Delaware and Hudson Canal Museum in High Falls.



The smile in your eye
Has allowed the sun
To peep into my view

Floundering for so long
In dismal Anguish
Your Elixir, Your Antidote
Melting away
What seems life long
A casing

I feel I can Breath
I can look forward
I can finally,
Live again

With you
There is a beginning
The air, now funneling
Through my shrunken passages
Filling each corpuscle w/ abundance
And each capillary with joy

Wanting you
Forever by my side
Only dreaming with you
So long I have tried

The sorrow,
The tears
I can finally dry


All About Me

It’s all about me! It’s all about me!
Every day I see no one!
As important as thee!
I’m way too busy to care
You may say I walk in a trance?
Fact is, I dance the dance and I talk the talk,
Then I patent that walk!
My existence depends on what I do for me!
The world is MY oyster
I Shuck that sucker
And when I bend over, you better pucker that pucker,
If you ever want to get close to me!
Snoozing is losing and I don’t sleep!
It’s all about me
I’m what fucking matters
What I’M doing, where I’m doing it, who I’m doing it to,
How much I’m taking and raking in,
How much I have and how much I’m going to get!
I am FOCUS! I am the DEAL!
I am Worship, It’s alright to kneel.
It’s all about ME
It’s all about me
I know you languish so far below my need,
But don’t blame me!
God knows why would I ever want to be you!
When I can be me!
When I walk down the street move aside,
When I drive in my car get your tired ass out my way!
I am what’s important! After all, I am the fuckin star!
For health reasons, listen to what I say!
It’s all about me. It’s all about me!
You may know who you are, But remember in your dreams
You are not me, nor could you ever be!
It’s all about me
It’s all about me
I’m the talk of the town
I’m where it’s at
I’m that cat’s meow
I’m the envy of you all
I’m stomping kicking tall
I am all there is and all there will ever be
Get it straight
There is only one
It’s all about me
It’s all about me
Face the fact
It’s all about me
It’s all about me
Repeat after me
It’s all about me.

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