Two Upcoming WordXWord Events in the Berkshires

Our friends across the state line in Massachusetts at WordXWord have a couple exciting events coming up in the Berkshires.
Walkin’ w/ WordXWord

Our friends across the state line in Massachusetts at WordXWord have a couple exciting events coming up in the Berkshires.

Walkin’ with WordXWord

Sunday, August 26, 3:00 p.m. at The Mount, 2 Plunkett Street, Lenox

Wear your walking shoes as poets and other performers respond to the SculptureNow exhibition on the grounds of The Mount. In partnership with Jacob’s Pillow, Lift Ev’ry Voice, and The Mount. Note: although admission is free, reservations are strongly encouraged. Visit the Mount’s Eventbrite page to make your FREE reservation.

Poets Creating Conversation: Food In America

Monday, September 24, 7:00 p.m. at Berkshire Museum, 39 South Street, Pittsfield

From fast food to not enough food. Farm stands to factories. Eat this, not that. We’re asking poets to help us sort it out. Information for poets interested in participating.

Poets Creating Conversation is an ongoing series of events that invites poets to accept a greater role in the cultural landscape.

By challenging poets to circle loosely around a theme or issue in the current social discourse we create a broad, multi-dimensional “conversation” between poems, poets, and audience. By sharing personal stories, observations, challenges, as well as moments of inspiration and hope, we weave a tapestry of creative voices that makes us stronger and helps us individually and collectively navigate the way forward.

WordXWord always welcome new voices to these conversations; however, pre-registration is required. Find out more at

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