Stephen A DiBiase Contest Reading

Winners and finalists in the third annual Stephen A DiBiase poetry contest will read their poems in Albany on Sunday May 6.

Winners and finalists in the third annual Stephen A DiBiase poetry contest will read their poems in Albany on Sunday May 6.

The reading will be held at the Main Branch of the Albany Public Library (161 Washington Ave.) beginning at 1:30 pm.  All are invited and there will be light refreshments.

Readers will include: Dan Wilcox, Olivia McKee, James Duncan, Ken Holland, Maroula Blades, Kathleen Smith, Mary Panza, Martin Willitts Jr., Sylvia Barnard, Mimi Moriarty, Mary Kathryn Jablonski, Hannah Bleier, Paul Amidon, and Jodi Ackerman Frank.  Special guests Howard Kogan and Nancy Klepsch will join us in reading poems from international finalists.

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