Arthur’s Market Open Mic Featuring Sarah Giragosian

Sarah Giragosian will be the featured reader at the monthly poetry open mic at Arthur’s Market & Cafe, 35 N.Ferry Street, Schenectady.

Arthurs MarketArthur’s Poetry Open-Mic on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 (2nd Wednesday of each month)

Featured poet Sarah Giragosian is a poet and critic living in Schenectady, NY. She is the author of the poetry collection Queer Fish, a winner of the Poetry Journal Book Prize (Dream Horse Press, 2017). Her poems have recently appeared in such journals as Ecotone, The Missouri Review, Prairie Schooner, and Denver Quarterly, among others.

Beverages & food available on the premises!

Hosted by Catherine Norr

Sign-up begins 7:00, readings begin 7:30 at Arthur’s Market & Cafe, 35 N.Ferry Street, Schenectady, NY 12305.

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