Three Poems – Elizabeth Zerbst

Three poems from local poet and short story writer Elizabeth Zerbst.
Elizabeth Zerbst

Elizabeth Zerbst

Elizabeth Zerbst grew up on a dairy farm in the Mohawk Valley in Herkimer County. She has been writing rhyming poetry since she was 12 years old (54 years now). Elizabeth has self-published 15 books to date. They include children’s rhyming books, collections of my poetry and short story memories from her life. Elizabeth enjoys sharing her poetry at open mics.


Looking Back

Looking back at years gone by,
So many memories come to me.
The world was young and so was I
And life was full and worry free.

Our family farm was our way of life,
And my family was my pride.
Parents and youngsters, brothers and sisters,
Working side by side.

Working hard on family land
Many miles away from town…
The air was clean, the view was grand,
With nature’s beauty all around.

I’d walk about a quarter mile
To reach my favorite spot,
To watch the sunset fill the sky,
While I sat perched upon a rock.

Getting up before the sun,
With cows to milk and calves to feed.
We shared our work to get it done,
With love and trust, not hate or greed.

Picking berries in the woods
Or gathering flowers on the hill
Or catching bullheads from the pond,
Are among my favorite memories still.

My family was not a small one,
I had siblings all around…
And after all was said and done,
They were my best friends to be found.

The years have passed and we have grown
And gone our separate ways,
With kids and grandkids of our own,
But I won’t forget those days.

Those happy childhood days we shared,
As we worked and played and grew.
And I’m thankful for the country life
And the values to carry us through.

Looking back at years gone by,
So many memories come to me.
The world was young and so was I
And I thought back then, I would always be.


Marching By

Less energy… more memories…
As the years go marching by.
My parents gone… my grandkids grown…
And somewhere in between, am I.

I remember quite a bit of my childhood…
The happy times and the sad.
My large family and our life in the country…
With a lot more good times than bad.

I remember my own children being little…
That was forty short years ago.
And those precious grandbabies I held in my arms…
How fast they seemed to grow.

I remember some things that I used to do…
Back in high school, just yesterday.
I can’t do things as easily, and I wonder why.
Was that fifty years ago? No way!

I look into the mirror and I ask myself…
Who is that woman I see?
My grandmother? My mother? Some stranger?
It certainly can’t be me.

I still feel young on the inside.
And I’m not as old as the hills quite yet.
I guess that middle-aged has come and gone,
But my life has brought very few regrets.

I’ll deal with less energy… and cherish each memory…
As the years keep marching by.
Though my parents are gone… and my grandchildren grown…
Still happy to be here, am I.


You Were Gone

Autumn Leaves And Winter Snow
And Flowers In The Spring…
Sunny Days And Star-Filled Nights
And Summer Birds That Sing…

Thunderstorms And Peaceful Nights
And Early Morning Dew…
Rainy Days And Holidays
All Make Us Think Of You.

You Touched Our Lives In So Many Ways
As Our Mother And Our Friend.
Our Hearts Are Filled With Memories Now
Of A Love That Will Not End.

Your Spirit Stayed Strong As Your Body Grew Weak,
Until One Day You Were Gone.
But Your Love Could Not Be Touched By Death,
And That Love Still Lingers On.

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