Call for Submissions: Bright Hill Press 25th Anniversary Anthology

Bright Hill is seeking unpublished poems and short fiction or essays from poets and writers who have been featured at Bright Hill’s events.
Bright Hill

Bright Hill

Bright Hill Press & Literary Center of the Catskills has been honored, during the past 25 years, to have hosted thousands of poets and writers in its Word Thursdays Reading Series and its Speaking the Words Festivals, Veterans & Communities Days, and another programming. In addition, Bright Hill Press has published almost 100 collections of poetry and prose as well as anthologies, exhibit catalogs, and word-and-image collections. More information about Bright Hill may be found at Because it is our 25th anniversary, we can think of no better way to celebrate than to publish a 25th Anniversary Anthology, and we invite you to submit your work for consideration.

Bright Hill is seeking unpublished poems and short fiction or essays from poets and writers who have been featured at Bright Hill’s Word Thursdays Reading Series, Speaking the Words Festivals, Veterans and Communities Days, or other programming; or whose work has been published by Bright Hill in a poetry collection, word-and-image collection, or anthology since 1992. The 25th Anniversary Anthology will be edited by Bertha Rogers, Founding Director of Bright Hill.

Submission Period: September 1 – October 15, 2017.Submit 1 to 3 single-spaced, unpublished poems, totaling no more than 3 pages, or 1 to 3 double-spaced, short fiction or essays, as Word or WordPerfect attachments to your email or by regular mail. There is no reading fee. Accepted work will be published in the Bright Hill Press 25th Anthology (to be launched at Bright Hill Press & Literary Center in Treadwell, NY on December 16 with readings at other locations tba). All poets and writers whose work is published in the book will receive one copy of the published anthology; additional copies may be purchased for 50% off retail, plus shipping and handling (price to be determined at publication).

NOTE: This book will be nationally distributed through Small Press Distribution, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and via other outlets.

Guidelines: Work that has not been previously published in print or online. We prefer submissions via email (submissions attached as a Word or WordPerfect document), but we will accept submissions by regular mail (postmark deadline Oct. 15, 2017). Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but if the work is accepted elsewhere, please let us know via email.

Notification of selection will be made by November 5, 2017. Our scheduled publishing date is December 2017. Payment for publication will be one copy of the anthology.


For Submissions via Email 

Please submit up to 3 poems, totaling no more than 3 pages, in one Word or WordPerfect document emailed to Include contact information (Name, U.S. Mail Address, Email Address, Telephone Number, Website) in the upper right-hand corner of each poem or prose piece. Your name and contact info, as well as the list of poems or prose pieces, should also be included in the body of the email, along with a 50-word bio. The subject line should read BHP 25th Anniversary Submission.


For Submissions via US Mail

Poems and prose pieces may be sent by mail to:

25th Anniversary Anthology
Bright Hill Press
94 Church Street
Treadwell, NY 13846

Please include contact information (including email address) in the upper right-hand corner of each page; and a 50-word bio. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope so that we can reply. Please note that we will only return poems and prose pieces if the necessary amount of postage has been added to your SASE.

Questions? Comments? Contact us at or call us at 607-829-5055 (ask for Bertha Rogers)

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