Troy Broadside Project

Nancy Klepsch, co-host of the 2nd Sunday @ 2 open mic series at the Arts Center, is seeking poems and prose for the Troy Broadside Project.
Troy Broadside Project

Troy Broadside Project

Nancy Klepsch, co-host of the 2nd Sunday @ 2 open mic for Poetry & Prose at the Arts Center, is seeking poems and prose of no more than 21-25 lines in any form for consideration for the Troy Broadside Project. Approximately 2 broadsides of prose and 8 broadsides of poetry on Troy-based themes will be placed outdoors in key locations throughout the City of Troy, NY as part of a city-wide arts-in-public places project. You are invited to submit one piece of prose or one poem in any form but no longer than 21-25 lines in length for consideration. Topics must be Troy-based and include the following:

  • Troy’s architecture
  • Troy’s artists and art
  • Troy’s diverse communities
  • Troy’s neighborhoods
  • Troy’s history
  • Troy’s Urban/community gardens
  • Troy’s connection to the mighty, mighty Hudson River

Poems and prose may be in any form but no more than 25 lines in length. Please refrain from the use of profanity and be mindful of the issues surrounding prose and poetry in public places, though the editors do not support censorship. You do not have to live in Troy, but your piece needs to be about Troy or a Troy-based theme.

Submit no more than two poems or pieces of prose, 21-25 lines in length, in any form in MS Word only. Include a cover page with your name, address, email and telephone number. Also, add the title of each piece of prose or poem submitted. Please do not include any identifying information or your name on the poems or prose submitted. Please send your work to no later than August 15th, 2017. Selected writers will be contacted at the end of August/beginning of September and will need to work on very tight deadlines. This project will be designed, executed and mounted by the end of September. There will probably be an art exhibition of this work sometime in January. All selected writers must have access to a telephone or cell phone, email address and a computer and be able to respond in a timely manner to email, phone inquiries, and requests for press information.

Through this project, all rights revert to the authors upon publication. The Troy Broadside Project needs First Rights, meaning they are the first forum – print or electronic – to present the prose or poems to the public. Please don’t send prose and poems that have been self-published, published online, have been posted to blogs or social media accounts or have won prior contests. Authors retain all rights to their work. Funding sources and the project director may post the project’s selected and published prose and poems on a project website after print publication, and so require Non-Exclusive Electronic Permissions. All of this information is standard. Deadline is August 15th, 2017.

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