Call For Submissions – Zymbol Magazine

Zymbol is an independent, international, non-profit magazine of art and literature inspired by the symbolist and surrealist movements.


Zymbol is publishing books!!! Each book we publish will receive full distribution, a sponsored reading, an ad in their annual international newsstand edition of Zymbol magazine and copies of the book. Zymbol’s open call is for all genres, approaches and subject matter and we’re looking for novels, short story and poetry collections.

Zymbol is an independent, international, non-profit magazine of art and literature inspired by the symbolist and surrealist movements.

Zymbol is a book and magazine publishing company that will begin publishing our general literary trade titles in spring 2018. Zymbol magazine also publishes an annual international newsstand magazine that features all types of poetry, fiction, memoir and other types of literature and art with a small section dedicated to surrealist symbolist and surrealist work.

For more information, go to the Zymbol website –

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