Caffe Lena Poetry Open Mic Featuring Phillip X Levine

On Wednesday, April 5, the great Caffe Lena Poetry Open Mic series returns to Saratoga Springs with featured reader Phillip X Levine.
Phillip X Levine

Phillip X Levine

On Wednesday, April 5, the great Caffe Lena Poetry Open Mic series returns to the historic Caffe Lena in Saratoga Springs with featured reader Phillip X Levine followed by an open mic for poetry and spoken word.

Phillip X Levine juggles being dad, poet, and actor.  Phillip is the Chronogram (a mid-Hudson Valley magazine) poetry editor and Woodstock Poetry Society president.  His solo theatrical poetry performance piece “approximate poet falls in love & can’t get up” has run at numerous venues including Bowery Poetry Club, Cornelia Street Café, Woodstock Fringe Festival, Omega Institute, Nassau Community College, Mt. Saint Mary’s College, Caffé Lena.  His poem “Soon” appears in Firewheel Editions anthology An Introduction to the Prose Poem.  Phillip hosts the WPS’s monthly reading.



The Caffe Lena Poetry Open Mic, hosted by Carol Graser and sponsored by Northshire Bookstore, takes place on the first Wednesday of each and every month (usually) at Caffè Lena (47 Phila Street, Saratoga Springs). This event has a $5.00 admission charge. Sign up at 7:00, 7:30 readings start.

About the author: Albany Poets
Albany Poets mission is to give everyone the platform to share their art with the world. Whether it is on stage, online, or in print, Albany Poets strives to integrate the arts into the Capital Region.
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