Opening reception & experiential workshop for Leslie Neustadt’s “AbOuTfAcE” March 5

There will be an opening reception for Leslie Neustadt’s art show, “AbOuTfAcE,” and experiential workshop on ekphrastic poetry on Sunday, March 5, at the Schenectady Jewish Community Center.

Leslie NeustadtThere will be an opening reception for Leslie Neustadt’s art show, “AbOuTfAcE,” and experiential workshop on ekphrastic poetry on Sunday, March 5, from 3-5 p.m. at the Schenectady Jewish Community Center. The event is free and open to the public.

Leslie Neustadt’s art show, entitled “AbOuTfAcE” is an exploration of the human face through collage. It will be on display at the Schenectady Jewish Community Center throughout the month of March. At the opening reception, she will facilitate an experiential workshop using her artwork as inspiration to write an ekphrastic poem. No prior experience needed. Please RSVP to Leslie at so that she can prepare enough materials.

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