Day of Poet (Capitaland Cup) Poetry Contest and Open Mic

The 28th Annual “Day of Poet” Poetry Contest and Open Mic will take place Saturday, November 26, 2016 at the William K. Sanford Library.
William K. Sanford (Town of Colonie) Library

 William K. Sanford (Town of Colonie) Library

The 28th Annual “Day of Poet” Poetry Contest and Open Mic will take place Saturday, November 26, 2016 at the William K. Sanford (Town of Colonie) Library (629 Albany Shaker Rd., Loudonville, NY 12211). The Capitaland Cup, including a top prize of $200 (plus additional honorable mention awards) will be presented at the conclusion of the event.

Previous contest winners include: J.J. Clarke, Roberta Waugh, Paul Genega, Judith Saunders, Frank Murphy, Kym Flemming, James Patrick Casey, Sylvia Barnard, Anne Goodwin, Margaret Black, Therese Broderick, Todd Broomhead, Serafina Whelen, Kathy O’Brien, Timothy Lake, Alan Casline, Miriam Axel-Lute, and Midnight.

capitaland cupThe day will begin with an open mic at 10 AM in the library’s main community room and will be followed immediately by the “Day of Poet” (Capitaland Cup) poetry contest. The contest will consist of two rounds of poetry by each contestant. Poets may present up to four minutes of poetry in each round. During each four-minute round, contestants will be judged based on poetic quality, overall presentation, and adherence to the established time parameters. Most importantly, all work must be original.

This year’s judges are Mariam Axel-Lute, Therese Broderick, R.M. Engelhardt, Thom Francis, Barbara Garro, Timothy Lake, Bob Sharkey, and Shannon Shoemaker.

Admission and entry are both free. For the entire (official) list of rules and continuing updates visit To register, email Brian Dorn at Simply include your name and intention of entering the contest in the email. Contestants may also register the day of the event (Sat., Nov. 26) at 10 AM. Poets participating in the open mic are under no obligation to enter the contest. Likewise, contestants can participate in the open mic as well as the contest.

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