10th Annual Split This Rock Poetry Contest

Split This Rock’s Tenth Annual Poetry Contest, judged this year by Sheila Black, is open for submissions until November 1, 2016.
Sheila Black

Sheila BlackSplit This Rock’s Tenth Annual Poetry Contest is open for submissions until November 1, 2016.

Split This Rock’s Annual Poetry Contest serves to raise the visibility and prestige of poetry of provocation and witness, judged this year by Sheila Black, co-editor of Beauty is a Verb: The New Poetry of Disability.

Submissions should be in the spirit of Split This Rock: socially engaged poems, poems that reach beyond the self to connect with the larger community or world.

Up to three poems may be submitted and there is a $20 reading fee which benefits Split This Rock Poetry Festival: Poetry of Provocation & Witness. First place receives $500; 2nd and 3rd place, $250 each. All three prize winners will receive free Split This Rock Poetry Festival 2018 registration and have their poems published in The Quarry, A Social Justice Poetry database. Additionally, the first place winning poet will be invited to read on the main stage with other featured poets at the festival.

The contest deadline is November 1, 2016. More information can be found on the 2017 Poetry Contest web page.

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