Woodstock Poetry Society Featuring Jeffrey Davis and Philip Pardi

The next gathering of the Woodstock Poetry Society takes place this coming Saturday afternoon featuring Jeffrey Davis and Philip Pardi.
Jeffrey Davis

Jeffrey Davis

The next gathering of the Woodstock Poetry Society takes place this coming Saturday afternoon at the Golden Notebook starting at 2 p.m. Host Phillip Levine has two great poets, Jeffrey Davis and Philip Pardi, lined up as the featured readers for this great Hudson Valley poetry series.

Here is more info from the host himself:

Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival as part of the Woodstock Arts Consortium is sponsoring the following poetry event as part of the Woodstock “Second Saturdays” Art Events. For a full listing of “Second Saturday” events, see: www.artsinwoodstock.org.

Poets Jeffrey Davis and Philip Pardi will be the featured readers, along with an open mike when the Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival meets at Golden Notebook (Upstairs), 29 Tinker Street on Saturday, June 11 at 2pm.

Jeffrey Davis is author of The Journey from the Center to the Page and the poetry collections City Reservoir (Barn Burner Press) andCoat Thief (Saint Julian Press). His work has appeared in numerous publications such as Comstock Review, The Sentence, Common Ground, and elsewhere. He has taught and spoken at universities, centers, and organizations around the world and writes on the science of creativity for Psychology Today. He is founder of Tracking Wonder Consultancy.

Philip PardiPhilip Pardi is the author of Meditations on Rising and Falling (University of Wisconsin Press), which won the 2008 Brittingham Poetry Prize and the Writers’ League of Texas Award for Poetry. His poems, essays, and translations have appeared widely in journals and anthologies. With the support of a 2015 Fellowship from the National Endowment of the Arts, he is currently completing a translation of Selected Poems by the Salvadoran poet Claudia Lars. He teaches at Bard College.

For further information on this great, long running series, contact Phillip X Levine (845)246-8565 or email: pprod@mindspring.com.


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