HVWG Fiction Contest

The Hudson Valley Writers Guild writing contest alternates genres annually and this year’s contest is for writers of short fiction.


The HVWG writing contest alternates genres annually. This year’s contest is short fiction. Winners will be awarded cash prizes and invited to read their winning piece at the Guild’s annual meeting in November 2016. Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st prize, $100; 2nd prize, $75; 3rd prize, $50; and three honorable mentions, $20 each.

  • Eligibility: All contestants must be residents of New York State. Current members of the HVWG Board and their families are not eligible.
  • Judges: Julie Lomoe, Joe Krausman, and Andrea Portnick.
  • Submissions: 
    • Entries must be postmarked between April 1 and June 30, 2016.
    • Entry fee: $15 for non-members of HVWG; $10 for members. (Make checks payable to HVWG and include with submission.)
    • Identification/contact information MUST NOT appear anywhere on the submission.
    • Cover letter should include the following: name, address, phone number, e-mail address, title of submission and word count.
    • Word count must not exceed 5000 words. Any submissions that exceed this number will not be considered.
    • All submissions must be typed, double-spaced, 12-pt. standard font such as Cambria, Calibri or Times New Roman.
    • Submissions must be previously unpublished.
    • Submit four copies through the mail and an SASE if you would like a hard copy of results. Submissions will not be returned.
    • All entrants will be notified of winners by e-mail or SASE. Results will also be posted on our website at www.hvwg.org.

Note:  Membership forms for the HVWG are available at www.hvwg.org.

For more information, please contact Faith Green at greenfaith2@gmail.com or (518) 253-8557.

Mail submissions with entry fee to: HVWG Fiction Contest, c/o Faith Green, 25B Patterson Drive, Glenmont, NY 12077.

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