Woodstock Poetry Society Featuring Mary Leonard and Robert Milby

The next Woodstock Poetry Society reading is this Saturday afternoon at The Golden Notebook with featured poets Mary Leonard and Robert Milby.
Robert Milby

The next gathering of the Woodstock Poetry Society takes place this coming Saturday afternoon at the Golden Notebook starting at 2 p.m. Host Phillip Levine has two great poets, Mary Leonard and Robert Milby, lined up as the featured readers for this great Hudson Valley poetry series.

Here is more info from the host himself:

Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival as part of the Woodstock Arts Consortium is sponsoring the following poetry event as part of the Woodstock “Second Saturdays” Art Events. For a full listing of “Second Saturday” events, see: www.artsinwoodstock.org.

Poets Mary Leonard and Robert Milby will be the featured readers, along with an open mike when the Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival meets at Golden Notebook (Upstairs), 29 Tinker Street on Saturday, April 9 at 2pm.


Mary LeonardMary Leonard is an Associate of the Institute for Writing and Thinking at Bard College where she leads workshops for teachers and students.  She has published four chapbooks of poetry at 2River, Pudding House, Antrim House Press and most recently from RedOchreLit. Her poems have appeared in many journals such as the Naugatuck Review, Earth’s Daughters, Hubbub and in the December 2014 Chronogram.

Meanwhile she loves to read poetry in the Hudson Valley because it puts her in touch with other writers, artists and poets and of course anyone who loves poetry.


Robert MilbyRobert Milby, of Florida, NY has been reading his poems, from the gutter to the garret, in the Hudson Valley and beyond since March, 1995.   He hosts 4 Hudson Valley poetry series and co-hosts a 5th series.

Milby is published in over 2 dozen magazines, 1 dozen websites, and 15 poetry anthologies, in the Northeast, including Home Planet News, Chronogram, Waymark (anthology, Beacon, NY 2014 and 2015), Other, the Albany Poets’ Magazine, Riverine (anthology, Cod Hill Press, 2007) Waterwrites (anthology, Codhill Press, 2009), The Cliffhanger (Sarah Lawrence College, 2014) and Oddball Magazine (2015).

Books: Ophelia’s Offspring (Foothills Publishing, Kanona, NY, 2007) Crow Weather (Fierce Grace Press, Wilmington, DE, 2009) Dickens’ Pet Raven (Fierce Grace Press, Wilmington, DE, 2014) Victorian House: Ghosts and Gothic Poems (Lion Autumn Music Publishing, NYC, 2015) CDs:  Revenant Echo (Sonotrope Recordings, High Falls, NY 2004) Underground (APB Productions, Wallkill, NY, 2008)

Every October, Milby and performance Artist, Carl Welden haunt the Hudson Valley as Theremin Ghosts! in the most unusual poetry and sound performance ever conducted in the region.

Milby is a board member of Calling All Poets, in Beacon, NY and a member of the Woodstock Poetry Society, in Woodstock, NY.  He is a monthly contributor to the Arts newspaper, The Delaware and Hudson CANVAS since 2004.

Past projects include:  Founding member and instructor at The Northeast Center’s College of Poetry workshop series, in Warwick, NY.  He wrote the column:  Poets Comitatus, for Heyday Magazine, of Kingston, NY.

For further information on this great, long running series, contact Phillip X Levine (845)246-8565 or email: pprod@mindspring.com.


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