Poet Mike Jurkovic will read from his work at the Social Justice Center, 33 Central Ave., Albany on Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 7:30PM.
Mike Jurkovic’s poems and music criticism have appeared globally but have yet to generate any reportable income. His first full length collection, smitten by harpies is just out from Lion Autumn Press. Other publications include Eve’s Venom (Post Traumatic Press, 2014), Purgatory Road (Pudding House Press, 2010), and the anthologies include: WaterWrites & Riverine (Codhill Press, 2009, 2007), Will Work For Peace (Zeropanik, 1999). In addition he is the producer of CAPSCASTS, recordings from Calling All Poets. Music features, interviews & CD reviews appear in Elmore Magazine & the Van Wyck Gazette.
A reading by a local or regional poet is held each Third Thursday at the Social Justice Center. The event includes an open mic for audience members to read. Sign-up starts at 7:00PM, with the reading beginning at 7:30. The host of the readings is Albany poet and photographer Dan Wilcox. The suggested donation is $3.00, which helps support this and other poetry programs of the Poetry Motel Foundation, and the work of the Social Justice Center. For more information about this event contact Dan Wilcox, 518-482-0262 or [email protected].
The Social Justice Center, founded in 1981, is a non-profit organization working for progressive social change through education, community building and collective action. The center advances the struggles against racism and for peace and justice. For further information about the SJC call 518-434-4037.