Upcoming Poetry Events – Week of March 27, 2016

As National Poetry Month approaches, we have another great week of poetry events, readings, open mics, slams, and more in the area.


We have another great week of poetry and spoken word readings, open mics, events, and slams in the area to celebrate and appreciate the art. Here is a look at what is coming up in our poetry community this week…


Monday, February 28

7:30pm – Poets Speak Loud
McGeary’s, 4 Clinton Square, Albany, NY
Poets Speak Loud is Albany Poets’ monthly open mic for poetry and spoken word hosted by Mary Panza. This month’s featured reader is Jon Drucker.


Tuesday, March 29

6:00pm – The Poets of Saint Rose Surreptitious Reading
Hudson River Coffee House, 227 Quail Street, Albany, NY
Students of the Saint Rose MFA program have been “poeting” together for months, and now they’re going to poet somewhere public for an evening. Readings by Ben Atwood, Josh Bovee, Fernanda Burgath, Alyssa Cohorn, Lee Geiselmann, Carol Jewell, Amber O’Sullivan, Allison Paster-TorresJackie Craven, and Barbara Ungar.

7:00pm – An Evening Of Poetry With Jared Paul
The Book House of Stuyvesant Plaza, 1475 Western Avenue, Albany, NY
It’s the week of Jared Paul‘s 19th Vegan Birthday Anniversary! He’ll be touring around New England and the country in April to celebrate the journey, as well as for National Poetry Month and Earth Week in April.

7:00pm – Club Helsinki Open Mic
Club Helsinki, 405 Columbia Street, Hudson, NY
A weekly open mic for music, performance, and poetry on the incredible Club Helsinki stage.

7:00pm – Emack and Bolio’s Open Mic Night
Emack & Bolio’s, Delaware Ave., Albany, NY
A weekly open mic for music and poetry.

8:00pm – Northampton Poetry Open Mic and Rookie Slam
World War II Club, 50 Conz St., Northampton, MA
Northampton’s only weekly open mic poetry night offers some of the best, most creative voices in the county. Academic or slam, spoken word or political: Your words are welcome.


Thursday, March 31

7:00pm – Rockhill Bakehouse Open Mic
Rockhill Bakehouse Cafe, 19 Exchange Street, Glens Falls, NY
Weekly open mic for musicians and writers.

8:00pm – Starving Artist Thursdays
Hudson River Coffee House, 227 Quail Street, Albany, NY
A weekly open Mic for music, poetry, and spoken word at one of Albany’s best new coffee shops.


Friday, April 1

7:30pm – Calling All Poets
Center for Creative Education, 464 Main Street, Beacon, NY
Calling All Poets is a monthly open mic series, hosted by Jim Eve, Mike Jurkovic, and Robert Milby, with featured readers Christi Shannon Kline, Lucia Cherciu, and Judith Saunders.

8:00pm – The Parlor Cafe Open Mic
The Parlor Cafe, 303 Ashland Street, North Adams, MA
A weekly open mic each and every Friday at the Parlor Cafe in North Adams for poets, musicians, and artists. Signup at the bar and get ready for the show, starting at 8:00pm.


[su_note note_color=”#F1F1F1″ radius=”0″]If you would like to have your poetry event listed on the Albany Poets Events Calendar, click here and fill out the form to submit your event.[/su_note]


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