Alan Catlin’s New Book of Poetry, Last Man Standing, Published

Just in time for the first Albany Poets Presents reading, Alan Catlin’s new book of poetry, “Last Man Standing”, is now available from Lummox Press.

Lummox Press is pleased to announce the release of Last Man Standing by Alan Catlin.

Last Man Standing is a 162 pages and is available for $15 plus shipping.

[su_quote]LAST MAN STANDING could be a crazy memoir of Alan’s 35 years in the barman/bartender business; but it is also a testimonial to his story telling abilities… [/su_quote]

To read sample poems and more information, go to the Lummox Press website.

Last Man Standing by Alan CatlinAlan Catlin has been part of the small press scene for over forty years. During that time he has watched the evolution of the alternative presses from mimeographs to online publishing. His rich publishing history includes venerable small press standards such as the Wormwood Review. He considers that having two of his books considered the most neglected book of the year by Marvin Malone, legendary editor of Wormwood, his highest honor. One of his claims to fame is that he is only poet ever to have been published by Street Bagel, Poked with Sticks, Comet Halley, The Literary Review, Descant, The Seattle Review and Wordsworth’s Socks. Among his many full length books and chapbooks are: Visiting Day on the Psychiatric Ward, Self Portrait of the Artist Afraid of His Self Portrait, The legendary Killer Drinks Series which includes a little red book (Lummox Press), Death and Transfiguration Cocktail, Alien Nation and Beautiful Mutants. He is a retired professional barman who can now claim to be a full time working poet with a straight face and mean it.

To order your copy of Last Man Standing go to the Lummox Press website or send check/money orders, made out to Lummox, in one of the following amounts: USA = $20 (shipping included); WORLD = $39. Send to Lummox Press at P.O. Box 5301, San Pedro, CA 90733.

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