Call for Submissions – The 2016 Raynes Poetry Prize

Jewish Currents has announced its fourth annual Alexander and Dora Raynes Poetry Competition to be judged by poet Alicia Ostriker.

Alicia Ostriker

Jewish Currents has announced its fourth annual Alexander and Dora Raynes Poetry Competition, this year on the theme of “Urge.”

The judging duties this year go to celebrated poet and critic Alicia Ostriker, whose many books of poetry include The Book of Seventy (2009), which received the Jewish National Book Award.

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Poets of all ages, backgrounds, religions/non-religions, and orientations can submit up to three poems related to the theme (no more than two pages each, please, with name, address, and e-mail on each page). The submission fee is $18, which gains entrants a one-year subscription to Jewish Currents.

There will be one first prize of $1,000 and two second prizes of $180 each. These three winning poems will be published in the Spring, 2016 issue Jewish Currents magazine.

The submission season is now open until January 15, 2016.

Send submissions to or mail to Jewish Currents, PO Box 111, Accord, NY 12404. Submission fees can be paid by credit card at or by check at the mailing address.

For more information go to or call (845) 626-2427.

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