Yes! Featuring Michael Leong, Celia Bland, and Fernando Orellana

The Yes! series continues at the Albany Center Gallery on Saturday, October 3 featuring Michael Leong, Celia Bland, and Fernando Orellana.

Celia Bland

The Yes! Poetry & Performance Series continues the new season at the Albany Center Gallery (39 Columbia Street, Albany) on Saturday, October 3 at 8:00PM with a night of poetry and film featuring Michael Leong, Celia Bland, and Fernando Orellana.

Michael Leong’s latest book is Cutting Time with a Knife (Black Square Editions, 2012). His recent chapbooks include Li Po Meets Oulipo (Belladonna*, 2015) and Fruits and Flowers and Animals and Lands and Seas Do Open (2015), which won the 2014 Burnside Review Chapbook Contest. He is an Assistant Professor of English at the University at Albany, SUNY and a 2016 NEA Literature Translation Fellow.

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Celia Bland‘s poem “Cherokee Road Kill” was awarded the 2015 Raynes Poetry Prize. Selected full-size prints of the Madonna Comix, the image and poetry collaboration she created with artist Dianne Kornberg (published by f8  Editions) were exhibited at Bard College at Simon’s Rock in Great Barrington, MA, as part of the Berkshire Women Writers Festival, at Bard College’s Stevenson Library, and at the University of Washington at Bellingham Gallery. Her essay, “Instructions for Children,” appeared in the just-published Storyscape anthology, and poetry is upcoming in the In/Filtration anthology (Station Hill Press).

Fernando Orellana uses new and traditional media as a way of transmitting concepts that range from generative art to social-political commentary. He has exhibited in a variety of venues including Cultural Center of Spain in El Salvador (San Salvador), Museum of Contemporary Art Barcelona (Spain), Espacio Fundación Telefónica (Argentina), Exit Art (New York), EMPAC (New York), The Tang Museum of Art (New York), Glass Curtain Gallery (Chicago), The Ark (Ireland) and The Biennial of Electronic Art (Australia). He is the recipient of the 2014 Vilcek Foundation dARTboard award and the 2009 New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship in Digital/Electronic Arts, and is currently an Associate Professor of Digital Art at Union College in Schenectady, NY.

Albany Center Gallery is a community-based and community supported non-profit art space dedicated to exhibiting skillful contemporary art of the Mohawk Hudson region, and building a strong, knowledgeable audience for the visual arts.

The Yes! Poetry & Performance Series is thankful for the support of The Hudson Valley Writer’s Guild. The HVWG supports the efforts of writers in all genres by sponsoring readings, workshops and contests and providing a number of valuable resources for the entire literary community. Though their headquarters is in Troy, New York, they serve Albany and Schenectady, as well, along with outlying suburbs and towns in New York’s Capital Region.


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