Yes! Featuring Diana Alvarez, Olivia Dunn, and Adam Tedesco

The Yes! series begins its new season with a night of poetry and innovative writing featuring Diana Alvarez, Olivia Dunn, and Adam Tedesco.


The Yes! Poetry & Performance Series begins its new season at the Albany Center Gallery (39 Columbia Street, Albany) on Saturday, September 12 at 8:00PM with a night of poetry and innovative writing featuring Diana Alvarez, Olivia Dunn, and Adam Tedesco.

Diana Alvarez is a storyteller who works in multiple mediums: voice, poetry, video, sound, teaching, and performance. Her work resides in the interstitial dissonance between tradition and experimentation. Diana has performed as a vocalist and poet and taught arts/social justice workshops in a range of venues in Texas, New Mexico, New York, and Massachusetts.

Olivia Dunn is a recent graduate of the University of Iowa’s Nonfiction Writing Program. She’s happy to be back in the Capital Region, where she grew up. She’s currently a Visiting Assistant Professor of writing at Skidmore College. You can read more at, where she keeps a blog of observational micro-essays.

Adam Tedesco has worked as a shipbuilder, a meditation instructor, a telephone technician, and as cultural critic for the now disbanded Maoist Internationalist Movement. He conducts interviews and analyzes dreams for the online literary journal Drunk In A Midnight Choir. His recent poetry and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in Similar: Peaks::, Alien Mouth, Cosmonauts Avenue, Funhouse, Hobart, and elsewhere. He lives under a shed in Albany, New York.

Albany Center Gallery is a community-based and community supported non-profit art space dedicated to exhibiting skillful contemporary art of the Mohawk Hudson region, and building a strong, knowledgeable audience for the visual arts.

The Yes! Poetry & Performance Series is thankful for the support of The Hudson Valley Writer’s Guild. The HVWG supports the efforts of writers in all genres by sponsoring readings, workshops and contests and providing a number of valuable resources for the entire literary community. Though their headquarters is in Troy, New York, they serve Albany and Schenectady, as well, along with outlying suburbs and towns in New York’s Capital Region.


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