Woodstock Poetry Society Featuring Richard Loranger and Teresa Costa

The monthly Woodstock Poetry Society meeting is this coming Saturday at the Golden Notebook featuring Richard Loranger and Teresa Costa.
Teresa Costa

Teresa Costa

The monthly gathering of the Woodstock Poetry Society takes place this coming Saturday afternoon, October 11 at the Golden Notebook starting at 2 p.m. Host Phillip Levine has two great writers this month, Richard Loranger and Teresa Costa.

Here is more info from the host himself:

Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival as part of the Woodstock Arts Consortium is sponsoring the following poetry event as part of the Woodstock “Second Saturdays” Art Events. For a full listing of “Second Saturday” events, see: www.artsinwoodstock.org.

Poets Richard Loranger and Teresa Costa will be the featured readers, along with an open mike when the Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival meets at Golden Notebook (Upstairs), 29 Tinker Street on Saturday, October 11th at 2pm.

Richard Loranger is a writer, performer, visual artist, and all around squeaky wheel, currently residing in Oakland, CA. He is the author of Poems for Teeth, as well as The Orange Book and nine chapbooks, including Hello Poems and the recent 6 Questions (Exot Books). Recent work can be found in the online journals London Grip New Poetry and The Marsh Hawk Review and in the just released anthology I Let Go of the Stars in My Hand (great weather for MEDIA).

Teresa Costa has been writing poetry 5 decades. Has been published in: Wildflowers; an anthology by Shivastan Press, Home Planet News, A Slant of Light; Hudson Valley Women’s Anthology (Codhill Press), Riverine (Codhill Press), Up The River (Albany Poets Press), Chronogram, HeyDay Magazine, Walt’s Corner, Long Island Quarterly, amongst many others. Her book Creature Comforts was published by Post Traumatic Press. Costa has hosted poetry readings since 2002, including The Woodstock
Goddess poetry Festival 2012 & 2013. She has done two lecture and workshops for The Northeast College of Poetry in Sugar Loaf, NY & on November 1st will  have a workshop and lecture on the Avant Garde poets, at the Seligman Center in Sugar Loaf, NY

For further information on this great, long running series, contact Phillip X  Levine (845)246-8565 or email: pprod@mindspring.com.


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