Woodstock Poetry Society Featuring Alison Koffler and Jo Pitkin

The Woodstock Poetry Society open mic series continues this coming Saturday afternoon at the Golden Notebook featuring Alison Koffler and Jo Pitkin.
Alison Koffler

Alison Koffler

The monthly gathering of the Woodstock Poetry Society takes place this coming Saturday afternoon at the Golden Notebook starting at 2 p.m. Host Phillip Levine has two great writers this month, Alison Koffler and Jo Pitkin.

Here is more info from the host himself:

Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival as part of the Woodstock Arts Consortium is sponsoring the following poetry event as part of the Woodstock “Second Saturdays” Art Events. For a full listing of “Second Saturday” events, see: www.artsinwoodstock.org.

Poets Alison Koffler and Jo Pitkin will be the featured readers, along with an open mike when the Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival meets at Golden Notebook (Upstairs), 29 Tinker Street on Saturday, August 9th at 2 p.m.

Alison Koffler was three times the winner of the Bronx Council on the Arts’ BRIO Award for poetry in 1993, 2000 and 2006. She was the recipient of the Poetry Teacher of the Year Award from Poets’ House and McGraw-Hill in 2003 and the Green Heron Poetry Award in 2011. Her poems have appeared in such publications as Iris: A Journal for Women, Heliotrope, Home Planet News, lifeblood: the woodstock poetry society anthology and A Slant of Light: Contemporary Women Writers of the Hudson Valley. She currently works as an on-site teacher-consultant for the New York City Writing Project at Lehman College.

Jo Pitkin is the author of The Measure (Finishing Line Press), Cradle of the American Circus: Poems from Somers, New York (The History Press) and Commonplace Invasions (Ireland’s Salmon Poetry). She is also the editor of Lost Orchard: Prose and Poetry from the Kirkland College Community (SUNY Press). Her award-winning poems have been published in many journals and anthologies including The New York Review of Books, Little Star, Crab Orchard Review, Quarterly West, Salamander, Stone Canoe, Nimrod International Journal, Southern Humanities Review, Riverine: An Anthology of Hudson Valley Writers, and A Slant of Light: Contemporary Women Writers of the Hudson Valley. After working as an editor at Houghton Mifflin Company in Boston, Jo pursued a career as a freelance educational writer and is the credited author of more than forty books for kindergarten through twelfth-grade students. She lives in the Hudson River Valley in a former public schoolhouse built in 1830.

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For further information on this great, long running series, contact Phillip X  Levine (845)246-8565 or email: pprod@mindspring.com.


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