Workshop with Steve Hirsch and Reading from Michael Graves at the Seligmann Center

The Northeast Poetry Center’s College of Poetry presents a workshop by Steve Hirsch and Poetry on the Loose featuring Michael Graves.
Seligmann Center for the Arts

Seligmann Center for the Arts

The Northeast Poetry Center’s College of Poetry has a big day of poetry lined up for Saturday, August 2, starting at 1:00 pm with a workshop conducted by Steve Hirsch followed by the Poetry on the Loose reading featuring Michael Graves.

Steve Hirsch will offer a workshop titled “Capturing The Muse: A Workshop in Radical Imagination” on Saturday, August 2, at 1:00 p.m. at the Seligmann Center for the Arts, 23 White Oak Drive, Sugar Loaf, New York (across from the SLPAC). The program is free and open to all.  No preregistration is required.

Steve Hirsch is the author of Ramapo 500 Affirmations. His work has also appeared in such journals as Hunger, Napalm Health Spa Report, For Immediate Release, Pudding, Big Scream, and Hazmat Review. For many years he has edited Heaven Bone, one of America’s most exciting literary reviews. He studied writing and theater at Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado where he was a student and apprentice of Allen Ginsberg and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Several years ago he led a very successful College of Poetry course on Buddhism and poetry.

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The next workshop on September 6 will be led by James Cotter, author of A New Life: Learning the Way of Omega.

After the workshop Michael Graves will present a reading of his original work at 3:30 followed by an open reading.

Graves is the author of Adam and Cain and Outside St. Jude’s. He edits the journal Rattapallax and hosts the Phoenix Reading series in Greenwich Village.


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