Cheryl A. Rice recently read at Half Moon Books in Kingston, NY along with Marianna Boncek, Thom Francis, Mike Jurkovic, Mary Panza, and Rebecca Schumejda.
Cheryl’s work has appeared in Up The River, Baltimore Review, Chronogram, Florida Review, Home Planet News, Mangrove, Metroland, Poughkeepsie Journal, The Temple, and Woodstock Times, and in the anthologies, Wildflowers, Vol. II (2002, Shivastan Publishing), Riverine (2007, Codhill Press) and For Enid, With Love (2010, NYQuarterly). She is the author of Kingston is Burning (2013, Flying Monkey Press), My Minnesota Boyhood (2012, Post Traumatic Press), Auction (2004, Flying Monkey Press; 2nd edition 2010), and A Thousand Candy Vaginas: Poems 1989-1995 (1997, Palaver Press), and the CDs Nobody Slept Last Night (2003, Another Poor Bastard Productions), and Girl Poet (2007, Flying Monkey Productions). Founder and host of the Sylvia Plath Bake-Off, Rice has lived in the Hudson Valley for over 30 years, after growing up on Long Island. Her poetry blog, Flying Monkey Productions, is at