Harvey Havel to read at Hudson River Coffee Company

Harvey Havel will read from “Mother, A Memoir”, and also “Charlie Zero’s Last-Ditch Attempt, A Novel”, at the Hudson River Coffee Company.
Harvey Havel

Harvey Havel

Harvey Havel will read from his latest works, Mother, A Memoir, and also Charlie Zero’s Last-Ditch Attempt, A Novel, at the Hudson River Coffee Company on Friday, March 28 at 7 p.m.

Mother, A Memoir follows the turbulent relationship between the author’s mentally ill Pakistani mother and the author himself who carries the same mental illness. From living together in the slums of New York City’s Lower East Side in the 1980s through the author’s education in Connecticut and the several hospitalizations he has to confront, Mother is a powerful and unforgettable read that tries to be as honest as possible in portraying what ought to be a loving relationship between a mother and her son but strays far from that ideal into the areas of abuse, poverty, and crushing mental illness.

The evening will kick off with an open mike for roughly forty minutes before Harvey Havel reads from his work.  All of Mr. Havel’s books will be available for sale at bargain prices

The Hudson River Coffee Company is located at 227 Quail Street, between Hudson Street and Western Avenue.  We hope you can make it!  Please contact Harvey Havel at harveyhavel@hotmail.com if more information is needed.

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