Caffe Lena Poetry Open Mic Featuring Cara Benson and Colie Collen

The next poetry reading and open mic at Caffe Lena is coming up on Wednesday, March 5 with featured poets Cara Benson and Colie Collen.
Colie Collen

Colie Collen

The next poetry reading and open mic at the historic Caffe Lena is coming up on Wednesday, March 5. Host Carol Graser will be welcoming featured poets Cara Benson and Colie Collen, plus a screening of the film, “Life On The Run”.

Cara Benson is the author of “Cara Benson” and of the poetry book (made). She has been published in NY Times, Boston Review, Best American Poetry. She has been a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow in Poetry and Chair of the PEN Prison Writing Program. She’s been a Visiting Writer at NY State Writers Institue at SUNY Albany, UPENN, Rhode Island School of Design, and Skidmore College and has taught creative writing in a NY State prison since 2005.

Colie Collen practices floral design and gardening as her primary forms of focused engagement with the world, but sometimes poetry leaks out on the sides. She lives in Troy, New York, but feels indebted to many places for the textures and leaf-shapes of her writing.

Locally produced, micro-budget, indie feature “Life On the Run” will be filming for the first part of the evening. They’ll be bringing in some open mic people to begin the night.  The film is an optimistic and witty celebration of humanity’s will to be creative against all odds.  Sheila O’Shea plays Beth Farrell whose success as a novelist takes her into new territory as she explores poetry. Her debut as a poet will be filmed during Caffe Lena Poetry Night. For more info, please visit:

This open mic takes place on the first Wednesday of each and every month at Caffè Lena (47 Phila Street, Saratoga Springs). This event has a $5.00 admission charge. Sign up at 7:00, 7:30 readings start.


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