Robert Milby and Tony Pena at The Northeast Poetry Center’s College of Poetry

The Northeast Poetry Center’s College of Poetry has big day of poetry with a workshop by Robert Milby and Poetry on the Loose featuring Tony Pena.
Robert Milby

Robert Milby

The Northeast Poetry Center’s College of Poetry has another big day of poetry and words coming up on Saturday, February 1, starting at 1:00 pm with a workshop led by Robert Milby followed by the Poetry on the Loose reading featuring Tony Pena.

Robert Milby will offer a short survey of winter poems by well-known poets. Participants will as well compose original winter-themed poems and share aloud.

His program is one of a series of free open workshops to be offered by the Northeast Poetry Center’s College of Poetry on the first Saturday of every month of 2014.  On March 1 Will Nixon will present “Collaborative Poetry: Meet the New You.”

Following the workshop, Poetry on the Loose will present Tony Pena at 3:30 in the same space followed by an open reading.

Tony Pena‘s poetry might not always be pretty but hopefully it stirs up some dust and passion in some souls. Over the past twenty years some of his poems have found homes in print media such as ChronogramPoetic SpaceSlipstream, and Third Lung Review. Recently some poems have been snared on the web by sites such as Full of Crow, Gutter Eloquence, Underground Voices and Zygote in my Coffee. He has recently had two pieces of fiction published online in Red Fez. His first chapbook of poetry, Opening Night in Gehenna, is available now.
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