Sunday Four Poetry Open Mic with Karen Schoemer

The December edition of the Sunday Four Poetry Open Mic series features writer Karen Schoemer taking the stage and sharing her amazing work.
Karen Schoemer

Karen Schoemer

The December (fifth Sunday) edition of the Sunday Four Poetry Open Mic series is right around the corner and hosts Dennis SullivanEdie Abrams, and Mike Burke have a great featured poet lined up to bring 2013 to an end, right before the final Poets Speak Loud of the year. Poet and writer Karen Schoemer will be sharing her amazing work at the Old Songs Community Center in Voorheesville on Sunday, December 29 at 3:oo PM.

Karen Schoemer has written for Newsweek, The New York Times, Rolling Stone, Blender, and other publications. Her writing has appeared in the anthologies Rock She Wrote: Women Write About Rock, Pop, and Rap; Trouble Girls: The Rolling Stone Book of Women in Rock; Da Capo Best Music Writing 2000; and Innocent When You Dream: The Tom Waits Reader. She lives in upstate New York with her husband and daughter.

Here is a little more information from the hosts of this great series:

Sunday DECEMBER 29th Karen Schoemer will be our feature at Sunday Four, Old Songs, Voorheesville, 3 pm. BUT… BUT!!!   It is the 5th Sunday because of Christmas.

Come hear a fine award-winning poet read her fine work and bring your own to share.

After can celebrate your favorite winter holiday with a poem, come join us for a pre-New Year’s Even jar at the POETS’ CORNER at Smith’s Tavern after the gig.


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