Caffe Lena Poetry Open Mic Featuring James Tolan and Margo Mensing

The first poetry event of 2014 will be taking place up in Saratoga Springs at Caffe Lena with featured poets James Tolan and Margo Mensing.

James Tolan

The first poetry event of 2014 will be taking place up in Saratoga Springs at the beautiful and historic Caffe Lena. The great Caffe Lena Poetry Open Mic series continues on Wednesday, January 1 when host Carol Graser will be welcoming featured poets James Tolan and Margo Mensing.

James Tolan is a poet and educator. His collection Mass of the Forgotten was published by Autumn House Press in 2013. He is the co-editor of New America: Contemporary Literature for a Changing Society. Red Walls was published by Dos Madres Press in 2011.

Margo Mensing is an accomplished visual artist who has recently turned her talents to poetry. A retired professor in Studio Art at Skidmore, her work has been shown around the Capital District, the Chicago Cultural Center, Yokohama, Japan and elsewhere. She is currently writing a series of sonnets, How to Get At it, based on the lives and works of Dorothea Lange and her first husband, Maynard Dixon.

This open mic takes place on the first Wednesday of each and every month at Caffè Lena (47 Phila Street, Saratoga Springs). This event has a $5.00 admission charge. Sign up at 7:00, 7:30 readings start.


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