Victoria Sullivan to Read at Poetry on the Loose

Poetry on the Loose presents Victoria Sullivan on Saturday, September 7 in the Seligmann Studio in Sugar Loaf followed by a poetry open mic.
Vicroria Sullivan

Vicroria Sullivan

Poetry on the Loose presents Victoria Sullivan reading her work at 3:30 p.m. on September 7 in the Seligmann Studio, 23 White Oak Drive, Sugar Loaf (across from the SLPAC).  An open reading will follow Sullivan’s’s presentation.  Admission is free to all.

The reading will take place right after poetry workshop conducted by Roberta Gould beginning at 1:00 p.m.

Victoria Sullivan’s latest chapbook, Eating Figs at Twilight, won the Edda Poetry Chapbook Competition. Her two prior chapbooks are Alzheimer Dreams and The Divided Bed.  Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals, including Artist and Influence, Wildflower, Poetry in Performance, Medicinal Purposes, Northeast Corridor, The Same, and in the anthology When a Life Mate Dies.  She has performed her poetry in numerous venues in New York City, Ulster County and Cairo, Egypt, as well as on radio and television.  Sullivan currently holds the title “Poet Laureate of the Woodstock Roundtable” on radio station WDST 100.1.

Also a playwright, Sullivan has had seven Equity productions of her plays in New York City.  Having been a member of Hypothetical Theatre Co. and American Renaissance Theater Co., she is currently active in the playwrights unit of the Woodstock Fringe.

For more information on this reading series contact William Seaton at

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