Naugatuck River Review’s Fifth Annual Narrative Poetry Contest

The deadline for the Naugatuck River Review Narrative Poetry Contest, judged by Susan Deer Cloud, is fast approaching. Here are the details.
Naugatuck River Review

Naugatuck River Review

Lori Desrosiers just sent out the following reminder on the fifth annual Narrative Poetry Contest from the Naugatuck River Review. This year the contest is going to be judged by poet Susan Deer Cloud. The deadline for this year’s contest is coming up very soon, September 1.

Naugatuck River Review’s Fifth Annual NARRATIVE POETRY CONTEST will be judged by Susan Deer Cloud. 

First prize is $1000 and publication in NRR
Second prize $250 and publication in NRR
Third prize of  $100 and publication in NRR
Contest submissions will be open from July 1 – Sept. 1  at midnight

Please do not put your name anywhere on your poems. Register with Submission Manager or log in to submit. Submit no more than three (3) unpublished poems, all in one .doc, .docx or .rtf file (no pdf’s please). The contest fee of $20 includes a copy (pdf to all submitters, print to contributors) of the journal, and is our primary source of funding for both the contest and publication/shipping costs. Simultaneous submissions are not recommended for the contest. Make sure your poems are NARRATIVE, that is they tell a story or have an element of story. Lyric poems that are not narrative will be disqualified. Poems longer than 50 lines will be disqualified.  If your name is on your poems, we may become annoyed because we have to take your name off before sending them to our readers. Good luck!


Judge for this year’s Contest is  Susan Deer Cloud:

Susan Deer Cloud is the author of five books of poems, most recently Borscht Belt Indian, New and Selected and Braiding Starlight. She has edited a multicultural anthology, Confluence. Her work has been published in journals such as Rosebud, Prairie Schooner, Mid-American Review and in anthologies including Sister Nations. She has received a fellowship from New York State Foundation for the Arts.

For more information and to enter your work, check out the contest website.

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