2013 Short Fiction Contest Winners

The Hudson Valley Writers Guild has announced the winners of its 2013 Short Fiction Competition with first prize going to Colleen Geraghty.


The Hudson Valley Writers Guild has announced the winners of its 2013 Short Fiction Competition.

First prize went to Colleen Geraghty, New Paltz, for her short story: “The Beer House.” Second prize went to Rene´Houtrides for her short story: “Joan of Arc.” Third Prize went to Mary Ann Conconi, Berne, NY for her short story: “A Job of National Importance.” There were also two honorable mentions awarded: Laurence Carr, Highland, NY for “Consigned” and Iris Litt, Woodstock, NY for “Pissed Off.”

Awards will be presented at a special reading of these short stories on Sunday, September 15 at 2:00 at the Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave., Delmar, NY. The public is invited to attend. Admission is free. Refreshments will be served.

The contest was open to writers who live in New York State. The Guild sponsors a writing competition each year with rotating genres. The new contest will be announced in the Spring of 2014.

For further information about the Short Fiction Competition & reading on September 15, contact Mimi Moriartywinterview@earthlink.net.

For more information about the Hudson Valley Writers Guild visit www.hvwg.org.

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