Hudson Valley Writers Guild Newsletter June 2013

In This Issue:
Member Announcements:  ME Kemp’s readings & events, BJ Rosenfeld to give talk, Robyn Ringer offering Summer Creative Writing Camps for students, East Line Books presents a reading and book signing with Rachael Ikins, Gina Pecka at East Line Books

Area Announcements: Cheryl Rice will offer a writing workshop; “Gods & Heroes: Poetry as Memoir”,    ACW presents the Annual Publishing Conference at Silver Bay YMCA, Whitehead to Read at Poetry on the Loose, Memoir Writing Workshop with Alice Orr, Annual Adirondack Literary Awards Ceremony, Verlyn Klinkenborg at Bookstore to  read and discuss “More Scenes from the Rural Life”,  Poet Glenn Werner to read at the Social Justice Center, Writing Workshops at the Arts Center of the Capital Region

Member Announcements

M. E. Kemp

M. E. Kemp (Marilyn Rothstein) has had a busy month, playing a gangster at a mystery dinner on Cape Cod, going back to give a talk at a library on the Cape (her latest book is DEATH OF A CAPE COD CAVALIER) and giving a reading in Conn. at a new bookstore,Boos and Books, who are very receptive to readings and things.  Perhaps a few of you poets could get together and take a ride down there.

BJ Rosenfeld

Bj Rosenfeld, author of “The Chameleon in the Closet” and founder of No Matter What Parenting was chosen to speak at the Clifton Park Jewish Women’s Circle 5 Annual Gala Luncheon on Sunday, June 9th, at 1:00 pm at the Shen Adult Community Center, 6 Clifton Common Ct. in Clifton Park.  The topic of BJ’s presentation will be “Count Your Blessings.”

For information, call Leah at 518-495-0779

East Line Books Summer Creative Writing Camps for Kids & Teens

These four-day summer writing camps, taught by Robyn Ringler, are designed to instill in your child or teen an absolute joy of creative writing. No writing experience is necessary and each student will have fun whether they come into the session loving or hating writing. Within the supportive environment of the East Line Books classroom, Robyn will lead each class through—sometime hilarious, sometimes serious—writing exercises, games, and lessons on particular writing skills that will help them enjoy writing—and do it well—for the rest of their lives. These camp sessions will cover fiction writing (how to write a short story or novel) and memoir writing (writing about your own experiences). Students may take one 4-day session or all of them!  Starts July 9.  Please visit for ages, times and dates.

East Line Books, 1714 Route 9, Clifton Park, NY 12065


Rachael Ikins Reading and Book Signing at East Line Books

Rachael Ikins, an award winning poet and fiction writer will read from her young adult fantasy novel, “The Complete Tales From the Edge of the Woods” at East Line Books on Saturday, June 8 at 1:00 PM.  Her book  is an eclectic assemblage of stories about a powerful wizard, caring elves, and mystical talking animals who inhabit a breathtakingly beautiful forest. Occasionally, humans encounter this fantastical place where timeless events provoke contemporary resonances and astonishing results. Care for the environment, the healing bonds of family and a bear who longs to read are at once mythic and timely. Good and evil struggle in often poetic prose creating images that linger.

East Line Books, 1714 Route 9, Clifton Park, NY 12065,

Gina Peca at East Line Books

Tuesday, June 25 at 6:30 PM:  Gina Peca will read from her new book I Wouldn’t Change a Thing followed by a Q and A. This is your chance to interact with the talented author whose daughter, Catie Hoch, was diagnosed with cancer at age 6. Gina’s story, written with encouragement, power and delight about the waning days of her daughter’s life, is an inspiring lesson for us all: how to live life to the fullest. All proceeds go to the Catie Hoch Foundation.  Refreshments will be provided. or 371-4151

East Line Books, 1714 Route 9, Clifton Park, NY 12065


Area announcements


Readings & Performances

June 1

Whitehead to Read at Poetry on the Loose

Poetry on the Loose presents Gary J. Whitehead reading his work at 3:30 p.m. on June 1 in the Seligmann Studio, 23 White Oak Drive, Sugar Loaf (across from the SLPAC).  An open reading will follow Whitehead’s presentation.

Whitehead is a poet, teacher, painter, and crossword constructor. His third collection of poems, A Glossary of Chickens, was chosen by Paul Muldoon for the Princeton University Press Contemporary Poets Series.  His previous books include Measuring Cubits while the Thunder Claps and The Velocity of Dust.  He has also authored three chapbooks of poetry, two of which were winners of national competitions.  His writing awards include, among others, a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship, the Pearl Hogrefe Fellowship at Iowa State University, and the PEN Northwest Margery Davis Boyden Wilderness Writing Residency Award.  His poems have appeared widely, most notably in The New Yorker. He lives in the Hudson Valley of New York and teaches English and creative writing at Tenafly High School in New Jersey.

More information is available on his website at www(dot)garyjwhitehead(dot)com.


June 1

Verlyn Klinkenborg Reading from “More Scenes from the Rural Life”

Verlyn returns to Millbrook and the Merritt Bookstore to will read and discuss “More Scenes from the Rural Life”, Saturday, June 1, 2013 at 5:00 PM.

Enjoyable for all! An event you will want on your calendar! Verlyn Klinkenborg is an American non-fiction author. Since 1997, he has been a member of the editorial board of The New York Times. His books include The Rural Life, Making Hay, The Last Fine Time, and Timothy; or, Notes of an Abject Reptile.

Merritt Bookstore 57 Front Street Millbrook, New York 12545 845) 677-5857


June 6

Caffe Lena Poetry Open Mic w/ Featured Readers Becky Harblin, & Sue Jefts

On Wednesday, June 6, Caffe Lena presents poetry readings by Sue Jefts & Becky Harblin. An open reading will follow. Sign up starts at 7 PM and the readings start at 7:30. The event cost $5 and is hosted by Carol Graser

Susan Jefts lives in Saratoga Springs but finds most of her imagery and inspiration in the mountains and waterways of the Adirondacks, Vermont, and occasionally as far away as Iceland or Scotland. She works with musician friends, including flutist/keyboardist Margaret LaFrance, who create music for her poetry. Susan’s poems have been published in journals and anthologies throughout the U.S. including Parnassus, BlueStone, and many others. She is currently compiling her first full length book which she works on during down time from her job as a mentor at Empire State College.

Becky Harblin is the author of the poetry collection Eating the Bread of the World (Glover Publishing, 2012). She has worked in various newspapers and trade publications including the The New Yorker. She currently lives in upstate NY where she works as a wellness practioner, and a sculptor, painter, and poet. Within the last 12 years Becky has begun to incorporate her studies in Amazonian Shamanism and spirituality into her poetry and art work.


Caffè Lena, 47 Phila Street, Saratoga Springs     583-0022


June 20

Poet Glenn Werner to read at the Social Justice Center

Mid-Hudson poet Glenn Werner will read from his work at the Social Justice Center, 33 Central Ave., Albany on Thursday, June 20 at 7:30PM.  Glenn Werner has been a part of the Hudson Valley poetry scene for a number of years. He has had work published in “Chronogram,” “The Waywayanda Review,” “The River Reporter’s Literary Gazette,” the soon to be released “Up The River” literary journal, and “Home Planet News” which nominated his poem “Anfortas Waiting” for a Pushcart Prize. He hosts the Poetry Beacon poetry reading in Beacon NY every third Wednesday of the month.

A reading by a local or regional poet is held each Third Thursday at the Social Justice Center.  The event includes an open mic for audience members to read.  Sign-up starts at 7:00PM, with the reading beginning at 7:30.  The cost is $3.00 and is hosted by Dan Wilcox. The host of the readings is Albany poet and photographer Dan Wilcox.  For more information about this event contact Dan Wilcox, 518-482-0262; e-mail: dwlcx(at)

Workshops, Classes & Conferences

June 1

Northeast Poetry Center’s College of Poetry

Cheryl Rice will offer a writing workshop titled “Gods & Heroes: Poetry as Memoir” on Saturday, from 1:00 until 3:00 pm on June 1 at the Seligmann Studio, 23 White Oak Drive (across from the SLPAC, formerly the Lycian), Sugar Loaf, New York.  The program is free and open to all.  No preregistration is required.

According to Rice, memoir, whether in the form of prose or poetry, helps the writer to gain perspective and knowledge about her/his past while reviewing events, both painful and joyful, from a safe distance.  She asks participants in the workshop to bring a personal object or photo appropriate to the theme “Gods & Heroes” which they would be willing to discuss with the group.  After reviewing some poems as examples, each individual will “free write” for twenty or thirty minutes, striving for formless, stream of consciousness recordings of thoughts without editing or self-criticism.  The aim is express a strong, creative response to life experiences which may or may not result in polished poems in the end.


Following the workshop, Poetry on the Loose will present Gary Whitehead at 3:30 in the same space followed by an open reading.

Rice’s is one of a series of free open workshops to be offered by the Northeast Poetry Center’s College of Poetry on the first Saturday of every month of 2013.  The College is for the present suspending its eight-week workshops, the Distinguished Visiting Poet program, and the Wawayanda Review.

The next workshop will take place on July 6.


June 2

Annual Adirondack Literary Awards Ceremony

Blue Mountain Center, Blue Mountain Lake, NY

Sunday, June 2, 2013 3-5 p.m.

Juried awards for works of nonfiction, fiction, poetry, children’s and a People’s Choice award for best overall book (regardless of genre) will be announced.  Wine and appetizers will be served. All books will be on display and some titles will be available for sale. If you submitted your book for this year’s award, you are welcome to sell copies at the ceremony. Please contact us to reserve a space. (518) 354-1261 or acwevents(at)


The Art Center of the Capitol Region Writing Workshops


June 6, 2013 to June 27, 2013 — 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM   Instructor: Olivia Dunn


June 8, 2013 — 12:30 PM to 03:30 PM       Instructor: Marion Roach Smith


June 10, 2013 to July 22, 2013 — 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM     Instructor: Victorio Reyes


June 29, 2013 — 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM             Instructor: Coleen M. Paratore


The Arts Center is located in downtown Troy at 265 River Street. For details and to sign up:


June 8

Annual Publishing Conference at Silver Bay YMCA

The Adirondack Center for Writing is proud to offer the Annual Publishing Conference at Silver Bay YMCA, on June 8th. Whether you’re interested in traditional publishing or self-publishing; whether you have a book in your hands or just in your head – this program will provide valuable experience on how to get published and how to market your book once it hits the shelves. The conference includes lectures, workshop, and the opportunity to have your manuscript critiqued by the experts.

This summer, ACW welcomes literary agents Becca Stumpf and Kate Gerrick to lecture and to workshop your writing. Stumpf represents adult and young-adult fiction for Prospect Agency, with a focus in smart genre writing. She will give a lecture on the revision process, challenging us all to include rewriting and reinvention of our work into the publishing process.

Gerrick respresents DeFiore and Company in both fiction and non-fiction that she calls, “fresh, compelling, and, most importantly, expertly narrated.” Gerrick will offer a lecture and discussion titled, “How to Talk About your Work,” with important insights into how to intelligently summarize your writing to publishers and agents.

Book publicists Susan Schwartzman and Gilbert K. Zachary will present on the importance of an author platform, and walk you through the steps to marketing your book successfully, including online.

This year, the Publishing Conference is at Silver Bay YMCA, on the beautiful west shore of Lake George. The conference is open to the public at a cost of $89. ACW members $79; manuscript critique, $25. Lunch provided. For more information, visit and book publicists Gilbert K Zachary and Susan Schwartzman



June 20-23

Memoir Writing Workshop with Alice Orr

Women’s Voices for (a) Change Conference, June 20-23 at Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs

MAZES MENTORS & MIRACLES:  Bring Your Real Life Story to Life on the Page

In this workshop you will tell your personal story. You will Re-member the pieces of that story, Dis-cover those powerful chapters at the center of your heart, Ex-cavate your truths from that deep place and give them voice. Your real life story is a joy and a revelation. Alice guides and inspires you toward that story. She teaches you to tell your story as it deserves to be told.

Alice Orr is a former book editor and literary agent, published in fiction and nonfiction including No More Rejections: 50 Secrets to Writing A Manuscript That Sells. Alice lectures nationally on storytelling & memoir – how to write and market both. Here is what her memoir workshop students have to say.

Email Alice at aliceorrseminars(at)

Call (206) 714-2843 or contact Jan Phillips at for details

Go to www(dot)LivingKindness(dot)org to register ASAP.



The Hudson Valley Writers Guild offers space in its newsletter for submission and program opportunities but does not endorse any programs or publications that are not offered through the Guild.


* Send feedback and suggestions regarding any formatting issues to


* News items should be sent to Carol Graser at East Line Books at  Please send items to this address rather than the guild address, it makes it much easier to put the newsletter together.  If you are a member, please mention it in your announcement. Thank you!

This Newsletter is Sponsored by East Line Books,


Note: please do not communicate with us by responding to this newsletter.

Carol Graser, Newsletter Editor


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