Woodstock Poetry Society with Paul R. Clemente and Robert Milby at Mountain View Studios

Paul R. Clemente

Our very good friend from Woodstock Phillip Levine sent along the following reminder about this Saturday’s meeting (and reading) at the Woodstock Poetry Society. This month Phillip has two great poets lined up as features: Paul Clemente and Robert Milby. There will be an open mic for anyone who wants to be part of this great monthly event in beautiful Woodstock, NY.

Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival as part of the Woodstock Arts Consortium is sponsoring the following poetry event as part of the Woodstock “Second Saturdays” Art Events. For a full listing of “Second Saturday” events, see: www.artsinwoodstock.org.

Poets Paul R. Clemente & Robert Milby will be the featured readers, along with an open mike when the Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival meets at Mountain View Studio, 20 Mountain View Avenue, on Saturday, May 11th at 2pm. The readings will be hosted by Woodstock area poet Tim Dwyer, subbing for  Phillip X Levine. Thanks Tim. All meetings are free, open to the public, and include an open mike.

Paul R. Clemente was born and raised on the banks of the Hudson River. He is young enough to have missed “Woodstock” and old enough to remember the mothballed WW II fleet moored in Haverstraw Bay. He is a recently retired scientist with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.

Paul was also the director of Read for Food, a not-for-profit reading series which raised food and money for food pantries in the Hudson Valley. Paul has published one chapbook Luncheonette. He is the featured poet in the most recent The Ampersand (Fordham University’s literary journal,) where he is interviewed and his work is sampled. Paul was thrilled to be the featured essayist in the current issue of the literary tabloid The Home Planet News.

Robert Milby, of Florida, NY has been reading his poetry in the Hudson Valley and beyond since March, 1995. He hosts 3 Hudson Valley poetry series: Florida Library Poetry Café in Florida, NY, Noble Coffee Roasters in Campbell Hall, NY and Mudd Poets Poetry series at Mudd Puddle Café, New Paltz, NY.

He has been published widely in several dozen magazines and 12 anthologies. He and Carl Welden are the poetry and Theremin duo, Theremin Ghosts! haunting the Hudson Valley each October since 2003. Robert wrote the column Poets Comitatus: Dead Poets of the Hudson Valley, for Heyday Magazine. He is also co-founder and a board member of the innovative Northeast Poetry Center’s College of Poetry workshop series at Seligmann Estate in Sugar Loaf, NY. Robert’s first book of poetry is Ophelia’s Offspring (Foothills Publishing, 2007) His 2nd book, Victorian House: Ghosts and Gothic Poems—publication pending. He is the author of several chapbooks and cds.

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