Word Fest 2013: A 7 Day Poem – Part 5

A reading we are all familiar with, hosted by Dan Wilcox. The “featured poet” a group of students from St. Rose forced to take a performance class. The second event of the week that was standing room only. In keeping with the theme I wrote a mediocre poem describing the event…

A group of kids

high in the back of a class

that I’m not in

it’s almost as if

we never stop learning.

We are getting to know

Who can carry on

In the face

Of freckles.

The dirty secrets

Of poetry readings

As described by a dirty old man

How to draw an audience,

EE Cummings



To make the feature

A group of 15-20 people

Some of us depicting

And envisioning


Buildings disintegrating

People all disinterested

Painfully aware

Of their autism.


Museum exhibition poems

Music and videos

Clouds of different colors.

An endless amount of announcements.

Descriptions of different events

In the area

About literature

About guns

About balls


Simple poems

Simple rhymes

Can have the most powerful impact

Enough to draw you out of hell

Just in time for the feature

Who couldn’t decide on a name :

Getting’ Fierce or Gettin’ Fruity

They couldn’t decide

which sounded gayer.


Team Tall:

Lighter metaphors

Love poems

A lie

Two truths

And concerts I will never go to.

Sugarland is terrible.

Team Short:


Houses we never grew up in




Darker and slightly deeper

Than you would expect.


Team awesome;

I am…

A house


With lifetimes

Gimlets and title changes

Friendships that come with

More than you want them too


Team fierce force five:

Trees and their response

To you pleas

Climbing the Eiffel tower honestly

Dads and dream boys

That fall short.


A short break

10 minutes

During which we get hit

Up for money

Down for anything.

Kicking off the second half

With whatever the opposite

Of BANG is.



Lost and forgotten in the crowd

A packed house.

Standing room only.

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