Inside Out: Poems and Music from Prison

Cara Benson

Cara Benson

Coming up on April 23 Caffe Lena (47 Phila Street, Saratoga Springs) will be hosting a very special event and fundraiser for the Mt. McGegor Organ and Arts Fund, “Inside Out: Poems and Music from Prison.”

Inside-Out: Poems and Music from Prison is the third annual fundraiser for the Mt. McGregor Organ and Arts Fund. Co-Hosted by poet Cara Benson and volunteer Gordon Boyd, the evening will feature readings from former students Derek Anderson and Seán Dalpiaz, video footage of current participants from inside the prison, and a panel discussion with the poets and Judith Brink of Prison Action Network.

All proceeds to benefit the weekly poetry class and other arts programming. Expect to be inspired!

Suggested donation is $25, but nobody will be turned away. No advanced ticket sales. Tickets may be purchased at the door.

For more information on this wonderful event, go to

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