WXW 30/30 Poetry Challenge Starting Monday, April 1



Are you up for a challenge? Can you write 30 poems in 30 days? The WXW Festival is starting the 30/30 Poetry Challenge 2013 on Monday, April 1, kicking off National Poetry Month.

For the entire month of April, 30 days – National Poetry Month – WordXWord issues a poetry challenge.

Poets young and old, student and professional accept the challenge. It’s simple, fun, inspirational.

Everyday, in response to the daily prompt, words are thrown into virtual hoppers near and far, and out come a slew of poems, long or short, serious and whimsical.

Participants may choose to keep their work to themselves, share only with friends, or submit it to WordXWord for publishing on these pages.

Our goal is to encourage creativity and to have some fun.

Here is an update from our friends over at WXW with some information on signing up, news about a special kids challenge, and the announcement of an event name change.

Are you ready?

If you’ve already signed up for this years challenge – thanks!

If you haven’t and want to (you know you do), visit http://3030poetry.com and sign up, it’s easy (even if you were on the list last year, you need to sign up separately for this year).

30/30 Poetry Kids
New this year – a separate, but parallel challenge for kids K-8 with its own kid-friendly prompts and website. We need help spreading the word – forward this email, post it on your Facebook page, tweet it, send out smoke signals, phone a friend

Drop A Prompt
We’re still collecting prompts. Submit one or a hundred. They all go in the hat and then we pull out 30 at random to use for the challenge.

Tuesday Project
The WXW Writers Room is now the WXW Tuesday Project to a) distinguish it from the numerous other “Writers Room” and b) to better encompass the wide range of events offered.

Any other writing challenges coming up for National Poetry Month that we should know about? Let us know in the comments.

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