Frequency North Returns With Kaya Oakes and David Yezzi

Frequency North

Frequency North: The Visiting Writers Reading Series at The College of Saint Rose, the great series of readings from poets and writers curated by our good friend Daniel Nester is back after a little bit of a hiccup in the schedule last month due to “technical difficulties”. On Thursday, March 21 at 7:30 FQN returns with author Kaya Oakes and Albany-born poet David Yezzi at the Hubbard Interfaith Sanctuary on Madison Ave.

Here is the info from the Saint Rose English Blog:

The Frequency North writers series at The College of Saint Rose resumes speed with readings by Catholic activist-author Kaya Oakes and Albany-born poet David Yezzi.

Oakes and Yezzi will read Thursday, March 21, at 7:30 p.m. in the Hubbard Interfaith Sanctuary, 959 Madison Ave., Albany. The reading is free and open to the public. Copies of the authors’ latest works will be available for purchase and signing.

This program is presented as part of the College’s Social Justice Week being held on campus March 16-23 and sponsored by the Office of Spiritual Life and Community Service.

Follow Frequency North on Twitter (@FrequencyNorth) for more updates and info.

Kaya OakesKaya Oakes’ third book, Radical Reinvention: An Unlikely Return to the Catholic Church (Counterpoint Press, 2012), is a “hybrid memoir/ethnography/theological rant” – or as Oakes puts it, “What happens when a lapsed Catholic relapses.” Her previous nonfiction book, Slanted and Enchanted: The Evolution of Indie Culture (Henry Holt, 2009) was selected as a San Francisco Chronicle notable book. She also is the author of a collection of poetry, Telegraph, which received the Transcontinental Poetry Prize from Pavement Saw Press. In 2002, Oakes co-founded Kitchen Sink Magazine, which received the Utne Independent Press Award for “Best New Magazine” in 2003. She edited and wrote for Kitchen Sink until it ended its print run in 2007. Oakes lives in Oakland, Calif., and teaches writing at the University of California, Berkeley.

David YezziPoet/actor/librettist David Yezzi grew up in Guilderland and is very much a product of the Capital Region. He graduated from The Doane Stuart School, where his father taught, and acted at the Empire State Institute for the Performing Arts (where he also took Saturday classes for many years), the Albany Civic Theater and Schenectady Civic Theater. He also attended the New York Summer School of the Arts at Skidmore College and took his poetry workshops at the Albany Public Library. Yezzi’s just-published book, Birds of the Air (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2013), received a starred review from Publisher’s Weekly for his “dramatic monologues, rough laments, strict rhymes and accomplished syllabics.” Previous books include The Hidden Model (TriQuarterly, 2003) and Azores (Swallow, 2008), a Slate magazine “Best Book of the Year.” Yezzi is the editor of The Swallow Anthology of New American Poets (2009), and his work has appeared in such places as The AtlanticParis ReviewNew RepublicBest American PoetryYale Review and Poetry. He serves as executive editor of The New Criterion. His libretto for a chamber opera by David Conte, Firebird Motel, received its premiere in San Francisco in 2003; he is currently at work on a libretto of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Last Tycoon for composer Cyril Deaconoff and West Bay Opera. Yezzi lives with his family in New York.

The Frequency North series continues on Thursday, March 28 at 7:30pm with Darin Strauss and Michael Meyerhofer. For more information, visit

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