
We love to document the poetry readings and open mics in the area whenever we can. Dan Wilcox has been taking pictures of poets for years and has a great collection of photos on his Flickr page that you should really check out.

But since you are already here on the Albany Poets website, you should take a look at the photo galleries that we have been compiling for over 10 years, starting with the very first Albany Word Fest in 2001.

In fact, we have uploaded new galleries to the photos page in the past couple of days including the January edition of Poets Speak Loud, Nitty Gritty Slam #36 and #37, and photos from the performance we did this past Monday at yBar in Pittsfield for the 10×10 Poetry Festival.

And here are photos from the first ever Women of Albany Poetry Slam that happened this past Tuesday at Valentine’s.

[pwaplusphp album=”NittyGrittySlam38February192013″]

Check out the rest of Albany Poets Photos.

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