Steve Dalachinsky, Distinguished Visiting Poet, to Read in Sugar Loaf

Steve Dalachinsky

Steve Dalachinsky

This Saturday at College of Poetry / Northeast Poetry Center is presenting a special poetry afternoon with Distinguished Visiting Poet Steve Dalachinsky is what looks to be a great event in Orange County.

Here is the information more information on the reading and the poet from organizer Bill Seaton:

Steve Dalachinsky has been selected as the Northeast Poetry Center’s Distinguished Visiting Poet of fall and winter of 2012.  He will read at the Seligmann Estate, 23 White Oak Drive, Sugar Loaf (nearly across from the Lycian Center), home to the Arts Council and the Orange County Citizen’s Foundation at 3:30 p.m. on December 8.  The event is free and open to the public.

Steve Dalachinsky is a downtown New York poet.  Dalachinsky’s books include Reaching Into The Unknown, a collaboration with French photographer Jacques Bisceglia,  Logos and Language, co-authored with pianist Matthew Shipp, a PEN Award Winning book The Final Nite & Other Poems, and A Superintendent’s Eyes a compendium of poetry written while watching saxophonist Charles Gayle perform throughout New York City.

Dalachinsky is known for his performances with jazz musicians.  He has often performed at the Knitting Factory and at the Vision Festivals in the city.  Recently he has worked with the French art-rockers The Snobs on Massive Liquidity, a “un-surreal post-apocalyptic anti-opera in two acts.”  Previous spoken word albums include Incomplete DirectionsI thought it was the end of the world then the end of the world happened again with Federico Ughi, and Phenomena of Interference.  He has appeared widely throughout the United States and Europe.

Apart from poetry Dalachinsky has been influenced by visual art with leanings toward abstraction.  His work for the most part is spontaneous and leans towards transforming the image rather than merely describing it, in what he now refers to as “transformative description/descriptive transformation.”

Previous Distinguished Visiting Poets have included Edward Sanders, Bob Holman, and Janine Pommy Vega.  In addition to this program which bring nationally-known writers to Orange County, free to the public, the Northeast Poetry Center sponsors three terms a year of poetry writing workshops, publishes the Wawayanda Review, and offers numerous other readings and lectures, including twelve readings in the associated Poetry on the Loose Reading/Performance Series.

For further information on this and other events at the College of Poetry, contact Bill Seaton at

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