Solstice MFA Program Invites Poets to Apply For 2013 Sharon Olds Fellowship

Sharon Olds

Sharon Olds

We have received the following information on how poets can apply for the 2013 Sharon Olds Fellowship through Pine Manor College in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. The deadline is very close, less than two weeks, so if you want to be included, you have to hurry.

The Solstice Low-Residency MFA in Creative Writing Program of Pine Manor College is pleased to offer the 2013 Sharon Olds Fellowship for Poetry. This $1,000 fellowship is given once annually to a poet who has applied and been accepted to the MFA Program, and is based solely on the quality of the writing sample included with application materials.

The deadline for fellowship applications is October 15, 2012 (postmark date). Note: Awards must be applied toward the winter residency/spring semester directly following acceptance; fellowships cannot be deferred or applied toward a summer residence/fall semester start. For an application form and further details, go to:

The Sharon Olds Fellowship for Poetry, underwritten by an anonymous donor, is offered as part of the Solstice MFA Program’s continued commitment to supporting developing writers. A recent two-day intensive, State of the Union: Diversity & Poetic Craft, served to open  up a broader conversation about the art of writing poetry, encourage cross-pollination between styles and approaches to poetry, and highlight the diverse voices contributing to contemporary poetic discourse. Special guests included Keynote speaker Stephen Dunn; 2012 Cave Canem Partner Poet Nicole Terez Dutton; experimental poet Amaranth Borsuk; and multidisciplinary poet, performer, and scholar Tracie Morris.

Solstice MFA faculty members currently teaching poetry include: Laure-Anne Bosselaar, author of three poetry collections including A New HungerIain Haley Pollock, author of the poetry collection Spit Back a Boy, and winner of the 2010 Cave Canem Prize; Dzvinia Orlowsky, author of five poetry collections, including the forthcoming Silvertone; KathleenAguero, anthologist and author of four poetry collections; Anne-Marie Oomen, poet, playwright, and essayist; and Steven Huff, author of two volumes of poetry and founder of Tiger Bark Press.

As an undergraduate institution consistently ranked among the most diverse in the country, Pine Manor College emphasizes an inclusive, community-building approach to liberal arts education. The Solstice MFA in Creative Writing reflects the College’s overall mission by creating a supportive, welcoming environment in which writers of all backgrounds are encouraged to take creative risks. We strive to instill in our students an appreciation for the value of community-building and community service, and see engagement with the literary arts not only as a means to personal fulfillment but also as an instrument for real cultural change.

Directions to Pine Manor College, complete bios of our authors, and more information about the Solstice MFA in Creative Writing Program can be found at

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