Call For Submissions to Ekphrastia Gone Wild

Writing Workshop

Writing Workshop

Our friends over at  Poetry Super Highway are putting together a book of poetry, “Ekphrastia Gone Wild”, to be released in 2013 and they want your work. The editor, Rick Lupert, is looking for poems that are inspired by other works of art to be included in this exciting new project that will be published by Ain’t Got No Press.

Here is more information on how your poems can be part of this collection:

We welcome submissions to this anthology of poems inspired by other works of art. We are especially looking for work that is inspired by the experience of encountering another work of art (as opposed to an ‘interpretation’ of the artwork…though we’re open to that too.) We’re wide open to (but not limited to) your interpretation of what ekphrastic poetry is, to humor (take a cue from the anthology title) and are especially susceptible to modern, accessible work that might be appealing to those who might not identify themselves as readers of poetry. Take a sharp turn, surprise us, make us experience what you experienced when you encountered the artwork…and please, when submitting, follow these guidelines:

  • Send no more than 3 pieces of any style or length.
  • For each poem you submit, please indicate the artwork that inspired it. Please include the artist’s name, title of the piece (or ‘untitled’) and the year it was created. (ie: if you’re ekphrastic poem was inspired by the Mona Lisa, you would include with your poem: “Mona Lisa, Leonardo Davinci, 1503″)
  • The artwork you are writing about must be by a different artist than yourself.
  • Previously published poems are okay. If previously published, please indicate where and when so we can properly credit if accepted.
  • Simultaneous submissions are okay but please let us know immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.
  • Please include a maximum 100 word bio written in the third person.
  • Please submit via email only to (.doc, rtf or text pasted into an email).
  • Please include your contact info in the body of the email, including your full name, email address, phone number and mailing address.
  • The deadline to submit work for Ekphrastia Gone Wild is December 31, 2012. (You will be notified whether or not your work has been accepted by February 28, 2012)
  • If your work is accepted, you will receive one copy of the published book and a 50% author’s discount on any copies you wish to purchase.
  • Please do not send images with your submission. Although this is an anthology of ekphrastic poetry, it is not an anthology of the artwork that inspired it.
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