Yes! Featuring Emily Pettit, Evan Chen, and Scott Puccio

Emily Pettit

Emily Pettit

The next Yes! Reading takes place next Friday night, September 28, at the Social Justice Center (33 Central Ave., Albany) with an evening of poetry, music, and film with poets Emily Pettit and Evan Chen and filmmaker Scott Puccio. The show starts at 8:00PM. Donations are greatly appreciated.

Emily Pettit is the author of Goat in the Snow (Birds LLC, 2012) and two chapbooks: How (Octopus Books) and What Happened to Limbo (Pilot Books). She is an editor for notnostrums and Factory Hollow Press, as well as the publisher of jubilat. She teaches at Flying Object and Elms College.

Even ChenEvan Robert Chen is an English/Creative Writing graduate student at UAlbany. He was born in Buffalo and comes to Albany by way of both New Hope and Pittsburgh, PA. He likes Gertrude Stein, french fries, Kanye West, WTF with Marc Maron, early-2000s Wilco, and Robert Creeley. His work has appeared. Isn’t he handsome? You can listen to his poetic-musical projects at

Scott Puccio is tiny, and so are his films. He wants to fall in love with you, and so does his films.

Yes! a poetry and performance series – in Albany, NY curated by Matthew Klane and James Belflower. The goal with Yes! Performance Series is to bring bring innovative local and national writers into conversation with experimental film, dance, music and art in the belief that mingling enriches these forms. By creating a venue to witness contemporary creators mix, fresh dialogue surfaces and like a wave, invites transformation. Yes! is sponsored by the Graduate Student Employee Union of Albany.

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