This Sunday marks the start of the new season of the Sunday Four Open Mic series at the Old Songs Community Center (37 South Main Street, Voorheesville). This month the featured poet is Suzanne Cleary, who recently won the 2012 John Ciardi Prize for Poetry.
Here is the announcement from hosts Edie Abrams, Mike Burke, and Dennis Sullivan:
Sunday Four is back and we start—SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 23RD AT 3 PM @ OLD SONGS where we always are.
We start strong with Peekskill’s Suzanne Cleary, winner of the 2012 John Ciardi Prize for Poetry, from the University of Missouri, Kansas City. Congrats Suzanne!
A member of the National Book Critics Circle, Suzanne teaches Literature at SUNY Rockland. Her work has been published in numerous national literary publications, much of which had received award-winning accolades. We could say scads more but instead, we urge you to come out and hear her read.
YES, SUNDAY FOUR is back on the 23rd!!! Bring your poems to read!! Three short, two very medium. Suzanne Cleary!!
Afterwards, come to the POETS’ CORNER at Smith’s Tavern to pour a libation or two. Oh, and we are looking for work to feature as our POET OF THE MONTH in the PC. Contact Dennis.
Suzanne Cleary was born and raised in Binghamton, New York. She is the author of the poetry books Keeping Time (2002) and Trick Pear(2007), both published by Carnegie Mellon University Press. Her collection Blue Cloth was chosen by Marilyn Nelson and Robert Cording as winner of the 2004 Sunken Garden Poetry Festival chapbook competition.
Her awards include a Pushcart Prize, the Cecil Hemley Memorial Award of the Poetry Society of America, and the Julia Peterkin Award of Converse College. Her poems have appeared in anthologies including Poetry 180, Don’t Leave Hungry: Fifty Years of Southern Poetry Review, Best American Poetry, and From the Fishouse: An Anthology of Poems That Sing, Rhyme, Resound, Syncopate, Alliterate, and Just Plain Sound Great. Her poems have appeared in journals including Atlantic Monthly, Ploughshares, Georgia Review, and Poetry London.
She has an M.A. in Writing from Washington University, and a Ph.D. in Literature and Criticism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She is Professor of English at SUNY Rockland. A member of the National Book Critics Circle, she reviews books for Bloomsbury Review.