Saint Poem Reading Series at the UAG – It’s All Poetry to Us

R.M. Engelhardt

R.M. Engelhardt

Poet, writer, and host R.M. Engelhardt will be back at the UAG Gallery this coming Monday night for another edition of the Saint Poem Reading Series. According to Rob, this event is “An Open Mic For ALL Poets & Writers To Share Your Work” and that there is “no agenda”.

Engelhardt has been one of the driving forces of poetry and spoken word in the area for many years and hosted some of the most well attended open mics a decade ago at the Lionheart and Valentine’s. He is now back in action at the UAG Gallery on Lark Street, bringing poets together for a monthly sharing of words, thoughts, and ideas.

Here is some more information:

The Saint Poem Reading Series, Albany-NY Returns To The Upstate Artists Guild
Monday, August 20th at 8pm.
The People Are The Poetry … Listen!

Poetry and the spoken word, featured poets and writers and an unwavering commitment to the support of the local arts, local literary and to the new and creative voices in the Albany area. We are THE SAINT POEM 3RD MONDAY NIGHT OPEN MIC @ The UAG. Support what matters … its time.

Upstate Artists Guild, 247 Lark Street, Albany NY 12210

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