Ginosko Literary Journal – Call for Submissions

Ginosko Literary Journal

Ginosko Literary Journal

The good folks over at the Ginosko Literay Journal, out of California, are looking for submissions for the next and future issues. You can check out past issues and much more on their website.

Here is the information on what they are looking for, how to submit, and even how to advertise:

Accepting short fiction & poetry, creative nonfiction, interviews, social justice concerns, spiritual insights for Ginosko Literary Journal.

Editorial lead time 1-2 months; accept simultaneous submissions & reprints; length flexible, accept excerpts. Receives postal submissions & email—prefer email submissions as attachments in Microsoft Works Word Processor, Rich Text Format or Word. Copyright reverts to author. Read year around.

Publishing as semiannual ezine. Check downloadable issues on website for tone & style,   Downloads free, accept donations.

ezine circulation  8000+. Website traffic 500-750 hits/month.

Also looking for books, art, music to post on website, and links to exchange.

Ads in issues:  $80 1/8 page, $120 1 / 4 page.

Ginosko (ghin-océ-koe)
To perceive, understand, realize, come to know; knowledge that has an inception, a progress, an attainment. The recognition of truth by experience.

Member CLMP.  Est 2003.

Ginosko Literary Journal
Robert Paul Cesaretti, Editor
PO Box 246
Fairfax, CA 94978

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