The Writers Open Mic at the Pine Hollow Arboretum kicks off the new 2012 season this coming Friday at the Visitors Center with the great Phil Good as the featured poet.
Here is all of the information on the reading and upcoming featured poets:
The Writers Open Mic held at Pine Hollow Arboretum is beginning the 2012 Season with poet Phil Good as the feature reader.
The event will be held at the Pine Hollow Arboretum Visitors Center building at 16 Maple Ave. in Slingerlands, New York on Friday April 13, 2012 starting at 6:30 PM.
In the Open Mic format,others poets can read three short poems or two longer poems. Also two pages of prose will be acceptable.
Featured poet Phil Good lives near the convergence of the Kinderhook and Tsatsawassa Creeks in Rensselaer County, New York State. He is a graduate of The School of Visual Arts. He co-edited in New York City with Bill Denoyelles, the last of the mimeograph poetry magazines, Blue Smoke. He is the author of Drunken Bee Poems and Coffee Poems and the recently published Untitled Writings From a Member of the Blank Generation, issued by Trembling Pillow Press, New Orleans, Louisianna. He has given poetry readings all across America and abroad.
Michael Gizzi said of Untitled Writings the “100 poems, maybe more—should have appeared a hundred moons ago.” Dennis Sullivan compares his writing to that of Gregory Corso. Lisa Jarnot said “An old friend comes to visit and keeps you up far past your bedtime. The conversation is joyously animated. The gossip is gentle. Curious questions waltz through the room. Who unleashed this light in the darkness? Phillip Good, of course.”
Light refreshments. Donations welcomed. Contact Alan Casline at [email protected] for more information.
Funding to support this Reading Series comes from Hudson Valley Writers Guild and Rootdrinker Institute. Future Features: May 25th, Helen Ruggieri, June 15th Gary Lawless
The grounds at Pine Hollow Arboretum are open dawn to dusk on the day of the reading so come early and visit the collection.