Poem A Day – Ed Rinaldi – feeding the dark hems

feeding the dark hemssack-cloth rivers watch timestacking each carvedclearly identifiable featurethe Sun can sell of youto pair gravity withrise the probabilities by the day and flood the outcomesin the languagesof dreams at nighttell de…

feeding the dark hems

sack-cloth rivers watch time
stacking each carved
clearly identifiable feature
the Sun can sell of you
to pair gravity with

rise the probabilities
by the day and
flood the outcomes
in the languages
of dreams at night

to orbit
and wait
long odds
to what
you might
have thought
once was paradise
even to some, like me
no one ever needs to be
a Moses in the reeds
inside Easter baskets
or some other place
that nestles time
into bright colors

all our eggs
crawling for portal noses
somewhere in the grass
are waiting to be found
walking on eye-lashes
and wings born down
the rabbit hole again
where every question
is an entire Universe
inside every meaning
each facet
each piece
of what is
right now
to someone
is another poem
on the path somewhere
in the trickery
of a clock and
the emptying
contents of night
poem 113 of a poem a day for 2012 (NaPoWrimo 1)

About the author: Ed Rinaldi
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